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Latest news about ShibataFenderTeam, orders and deliveries

4 Donut Fenders installed at Turkish Strait Dardanelles

In October 2020, ShibataFenderTeam delivered 4 pieces of Donut Fenders for a site loading berth at the Dardanelles. This loading berth was specially built to serve for the construction of the new suspension bridge,Çanakkale 1915” in the Western Bosporus. It is one of the largest infrastructure projects in Europe and will connect the Asian Aegean regions of Izmir and Manisa with the European continent reducing travel time substantially. As it allows people to travel from the South of Turkey to the European part of Istanbul significantly faster, this is a very important development for Turkey.  

The new loading berth is used for prefabricating large bridge parts to transport them the to the construction site. Therefore, the berth is mainly used by work boats and barges which supply materials to the construction site. In order to guarantee safe operation at the new berth which faces strong currents, 4 pieces of Donut Fenders were ordered by the Turkish and Korean Joint Venture DLSY, responsible for the construction. The Donut Fenders have an outer diameter of 2,970 mm and a flat length of 2,050 mm (Pile diameter: 1,400 mm). Each of them is equipped with a counterweight (5.3 t) to keep floating with the desired freeboard. As fast delivery time was very important for this order, our production team in Germany put in al efforts to manufacture the Donut Fenders in a very short time frame. 

The construction of the longest suspension bridge in the world is planned to be completed in 2022. SFT wishes all involved construction companies a successful completion of this great project. (#4707)

More pictures about SFT Donut Fenders at Dardanelles in our reference


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