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ShibataFenderTeam Group
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Happy New Year 2021!
The ShibataFenderTeam Group would like to thank you for your support and your trust in 2020 and wishes you a safe and cheerful holiday season, as well as a great start into the year 2021!
The year 2020 was and still is a challenge for all of us. The SFT Group has navigated in these unchartered territories with the strength as the leading fender manufacturer and the flexibility of our streamlined and well-organized entities around the globe.
Looking back at 2020, we are proud of:
… The start of our live SFT Online Seminars early this year as a first in the industry in response to the travel restrictions – more than 120 have taken place already with around 600 participants from all over the world who took the opportunity to stay connected with us and get answers to their very specific questions about fender design.
… The publication of our 3rd White Paper about ‘Manufacturing and Curing’ which is available for download at our website in different languages.
… The continuous full plant utilization of our SFT production facilities during the last year despite the economic difficulties. This involves the new facility in Malaysia which has been working to capacity with the order for TUAS Singapore – the largest order for SFT this year and a kickstart for our new production facility.
… Increased engineering capacity to even better serving our clients’ needs and be able to address specialty engineered projects.
Even if the Pandemic is still far from being over, we are confident that we will navigate successfully through these uncertain times.
We hope we can meet each other again soon and until then wish you all the best.