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Happy New Year 2022
The impact of the Covid 19 pandemic continued to be a challenge for the entire industry this year. Nevertheless, normality is slowly returning in some business areas, such as travel and maritime events. With our worldwide network of agents and offices, we are well positioned to always be close to our customers. We have also continued our SFT Online Technical Seminars initiative, offering free training on many different topics related to fender system design. Seeing the world recovering step by step and having loyal customers on our side motivates us even more for the next year and for continuing on our path.
We look back on great achievements in 2021:
... With the publication of White Paper 4 on 'Fender Testing. - A Best Practice Approach', we completed our white paper series earlier this year. The WP Series addresses the topic 'What exactly makes a good fender?" and is available on our website in 3 languages.
... We also published our Pneumatic Fender Manual earlier this year, which explains the differences between the two common Pneumatic Fender Manufacturing methods used in the fender industry: wrapping and molding. The manual is available in English, Spanish and French in our download section.
... We have launched our new FAQ section on fenders & best practice design and recommendations for a holistic approach: SFT's holistic approach to fender system design means our engineers design quality fender solutions that take into account the substructure, unique project features, and all components of a fender system.
... And last but not least, we are excited to announce that our SFT Buoys and Barriers brochure will be released early next year! It will give you an overview of the different types of buoys and barrier systems.
Plans for the new year have already been made and we are looking forward to the next great successes.
Stay safe and have cheerful holidays!