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Shibata Fender Team


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New berth at Frederikshavn Port equipped with SFT Element Fenders

Frederikshavn is located in the far North of Denmark at the Baltic Sea and is experiencing a very successful development of the port and port activities during the last years. As a result, back in 2015 the Port of Frederikshavn laid the foundation for their expansion project “Port of the Future”. The positive development of the more than 100 privately operating companies at the harbor, made it necessary to increase the capacity and the condition of the harbor. Per Aarsleff A/S was assigned with the construction works for phase 1. A second capacity expansion phase was agreed on shortly after, which is planned to be finished in the 3rd quarter of 2019. And just at the beginning of this month the port announced that they are looking into phase 3 of the expansion.

For both phases, ShibataFenderTeam was awarded with the contract to supply fender systems. The 600m of new quay wall, constructed in phase 1, is equipped with 31 FE Element Fender Systems (1000 x 1000mm). The fender systems were successfully delivered in September 2018. Phase 2 included several developments of the hinterland and another 400m quay for which for which we supplied 17 FE Element Fender Systems. The fender design required that the berth can be used for various vessel sizes which ShibataFenderTeam implemented accordingly.

One major reason for the large-scale expansion of the port is the general development of vessel sizes. These larger vessels require deeper berths and wider maneuvering space. Hence it was necessary for the Port of Frederikshavn to build a new berth with an increased water depth and maneuvering possibilities to enable Panamax category vessels to call at the port. Besides the increasing vessel sizes, the port faced a growing need to be able to receive jack-up barges and semi-submersible platforms. These are used to service offshore installations which is a growing business area for the port.

The growth of the port is an important job generator and future pathway to further growth of the entire region. The expansion project will generate bigger and new business opportunities both for the port itself and the companies already located here.

Both the contractor Per Aarsleff A/S and our client Port of Frederikshavn were very satisfied with the project management from our side and the personal contact to our sales team and engineers.
Our commitment to each project begins with consulting and continues even after the order has been completed to our client's fullest satisfaction. We support and guide all stakeholders through every stage of the project and beyond.

We closely follow the expansion plans of the port and highly value the opportunity to be part of the first two stages of the expansion. We wish the Port of Frederikshavn lots of success with the implementation of their further plans. (#3165 / #3780)

Further information in Danish: 

ShibataFenderTeam er begejstret over at følge udviklingen på det danske marked. Vi har de seneste år været en del af de største havneudvidelser i Danmark, og har med vores ekspertise sikret en fremragende afvikling af satmlige projekter. Vores kompetencer omfatter alt fra rådgivning, design af vores in-house ingeniører, egen produktion som sikrer højeste kvalitet, samt certificeret performance testning. Vores after sales service tilbyder assistance igennem levetiden af vores systemer.

For at kunne garanterer den bedste service, tilbyder vi vores rådgivning også på dansk. Venligst henvend jer direkte til:

Markus Bleher

Mobile : +49 173 510 69 78
Tel.: +49 40 63 86 10 – 165

During his last visit to Denmark, Markus took this drone video from our FE Element Fender Systems at the Port of Frederikshavn: 

📷 More pictures about SFT Element Fenders at Fredrikshavn Port can be found in our reference section


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