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Shibata Fender Team


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On-time completion of the Bel Air Mine in Guinea

Guinea is the most significant Bauxite supplier worldwide with a reserve of about 25% of the global bauxite reserves. Currently, exports of the mineral account for approximately 32% of all exports and are therefore a significant factor in the country’s economic growth and job creation.

The British mining company Alufer Mining Ltd. discovered the Bel Air bauxite deposit in 2011 and began constructing the mine in 2017. The project will add 5.5 million tons of bauxite to Guinea’s annual export capacity. The Bel Air Mine, located in the Boffa region of Western Guinea, was financed as part of an international investment consortium including AFC (Africa Finance Corporation), Orion Mine Finance, and Resource Capital Funds.

For the mine infrastructure that includes a new berth, ShibataFenderTeam delivered six sets of Double SPC 800 Cone Fender Systems with 1600x5300mm steel panels, 4 T Head Bollards with 50t capacity, and 3 steel safety ladders. The berth structure was fabricated with concrete blocks. The experts of SFT had to design special anchors to face possible misalignments and adjust the position of the anchors to the blocks. Furthermore, the berth is exposed to aggressive currents and tropical climate, which had to be taken into account as well.

ShibataFenderTeam is proud to be part of such an influential economic project in Africa. Oliver Andrews, Executive Director & Chief Investment Officer of AFC commented: “I am delighted to announce the timely and safe completion of construction of the Bel Air Mine and associated transport infrastructure. The project marks a significant milestone for the corporation, demonstrating its commitment to investing across Africa and providing employment and sustainable economic growth for those who need it most.” During construction, the project employed over 1,500 people, 85% of which were Guinean nationals and over half from local communities. (#0681)

📷 More pictures about SFT Double SPC Fender System at the Bel Air Mine in in Guinea can be found in our reference section


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