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ShibataFenderTeam is new PIANC Platinum Partner
Since February 2017, ‘The ShibataFenderTeam Group’ is a Platinum Partner of PIANC ‘The World Association for Waterborne Transport Infrastructure’. SFT’s commitment to this partnership is fixed for the next four years, but we are looking forward to extending this partnership beyond that.
The support of sponsors is crucial for PIANC. It helps them to maintain and develop professional and, independent standards and to keep up the high quality and reputation of their publications and guidelines.
According to Mr. Dominique Polte, Board Member of ShibataFenderTeam and responsible for sales and marketing activities of the group, SFT considers the sponsorship as an excellent chance to further strengthen the relationship with the PIANC committee and support all stakeholders to establish efficient, independent and, updated guidelines for the industry.
ShibataFenderTeam looks forward to a successful cooperation and support provided to PIANC in future.
Read the announcement in the PIANC newsletter.