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Shibata Fender Team


Latest news about ShibataFenderTeam, orders and deliveries

SFT supplied V Fenders for bulk terminal’s tug base in Seri Manjung, Malaysia

In May of 2019, our valued customer VALE, a mining company and the world's largest producer of iron ore, pellets and nickel, awarded our Malaysian SFT office with the supply of fender systems for a tugboat jetty at the VALE terminal in Seri Manjung, Perak. Perak is located on the west coast of Malaysian peninsular and is one of the largest and most populous states in the country.

For VALE´s operation on Malaysia´s west coast, ShibataFenderTeam has in cooperation with the operator developed an improved fendering layout for the bulk terminal´s tug base to achieve longer life time and reduced maintenance costs. A total of 30 sets of SX-P Fenders with steel panels and a thick layers of wear resistant UHMW-PE pads were installed. Adjacent to that, 2 sets of SPC 1400 Fender Systems and 2 sets of CSS 2500 Fender Systems for the import & export terminal completed the scope of the project.

SX-P Fender Systems installed at Vale Terminal in Seri Manjung, Perak, Malaysia

Prior to this order, SFT had already supplied fender systems for the VALE projects in Lumut, also located in Perak. We wish Vale Malaysia a successful operation and look forward to the next project in this region. (#0250)

Have a look on our website in the reference section to see more pictures about our Fenders at the Vale Lumut Terminal in Malaysia.


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