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SFT US Office moves to larger office space
The ShibataFenderTeam US office, located in the Washington, DC area, has moved to a larger office in July 2020 with about double the size in office space to cater for the increased business over the past years.
Back in 2009, the office was opened as the second new SFT office after the company’s start in 2006. It has been developed by Mr. Dominique Polte who is still the President in SFT Inc. and Board Member in SFT AG. The US office grew substantially over the past 11 years, to a leading entity within the SFT Group and the markets in the Americas, with an experienced team of fender expert and excellent local market knowledge.
The team is responsible for Canada, US, Caribbean, and Latin America and successfully delivered more than 1,000 projects in the Americas.
Prestigious projects:
Barbours Cut Container Terminal | Houston, TX | USA
Middle Harbor Project | Long Beach, CA | USA
Governor Mario M. Cuomo Bridge | Tarrytown, NY | USA (former Tappan Zee Bridge)
Mc Innis Cement Terminal | Bronx, NY | USA and McInnis Cement Terminal | Port-Daniel-Gascons | Canada
Tioga Marine Terminal | Philadelphia, PA | USA
One of SFT’s strength is clearly our experience in the fender industry and expertise in fender design. Another strength are our local employees, guaranteeing a local approach. We have Spanish and Portuguese speaking employees for Latin American projects.
The most prominent projects:
PSA Panama International Terminal | Panama City | Panama
APM Terminals | Lázáro Cárdenas | Mexico
APM Terminal Moín | Límon | Costa Rica
Terminal de Cruceros Amador | Panama | Panama
SPIA Terminal | Buenaventura | Colombia
Port of Valparaiso, Terminal 1 | Valparaiso | Chile
The experience and diversity of our US based team ensures a close contact to our clients. Our local Agents support the SFT team for personal site visits or installation supervision. Maintenance planning for ports and port authorities is part of our service as well as individual seminars for project teams at engineering companies.
Benefit from our experience and contact your SFT experts in the US:
ShibataFenderTeam Inc.
44084 Riverside Parkway, Suite 210
Lansdowne, VA 20176, USA
Tel. +1 (571) 281-3770
Fax +1 (571) 223-3267
Examples of seminars
Technical seminar roadshow throughout the US
ShibataFenderTeam and PIANC organized seminar in Argentina about fender system design