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SFT Virtual Agent Meeting 2021
Today, we are starting to a new era of the SFT Agent Meetings. New circumstances require creative and customized solutions. This is also true for our biannual SFT Agent Meeting which brings together over 40 representatives and our SFT sales teams from all over the world, usually taking place in interesting locations, such as in Malaysia in 2019, making our intercultural event a great experience for all participants.
As we did not want to miss the opportunity to share our knowledge with our agents and to exchange about current market developments this year, we decided for a virtual version of the Agent Meeting in 2021. Staying in close contact and supporting our broad network of agents with their activities of developing a focused and customized strategy for every individual project is key to our high-quality service.
Having agents on six continents, our meeting is divided in two sessions and therefore being accessible for a range of time zones.
This year's program reviewed recent activities and gave a strategic outlook to the coming years. As usual, a technical presentation is part of the program, which is highlighting the typical issues of fender design and discussing the most current topics of fender systems. After the official program, we offered an ’After Work Meeting’, which is a smaller session together with their contact persons at SFT to discuss country specific topics. Staying strong together and supporting our valued agents with access to highly reliable information and continuously improving solutions is strengthening the SFT Group.
We truly hope that we can meet again in person next year to socialize and network, to learn and laugh together! For us, the Agent Meeting is a value adding event for all parties and it will always be a great pleasure welcoming our Agents.