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Shibata Fender Team


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Shibata Industrial shares knowledge with JICA participants

The visit of the “JICA Group Training Course on Sustainable Port Development and Planning” was a welcome opportunity for Shibata Industrial to open their doors to their production facility in Japan.

The course is held for 2.5 months in Japan and participants have the mission to create action plans for their own port, based on the technologies implemented in Japan. For more than 30 years Shibata Industrial has been accepting new participants every year to enable them to gain industry knowledge about safe and sustainable port developing and planning.

This year Shibata welcomed 15 participants from 13 countries including Bangladesh, Cambodia, Indonesia, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Senegal, Sri Lanka, and Tunisia. Shibata gave a presentation on how to design a high-quality fender system, introduced the participants to new products and Shibata´s overseas marketing. The tour through the manufacturing facility offered them a closer look into the individual production steps and proved to the participants once more how important it is to work with a reliable manufacturer to ensure a sustainable and safe port facility.

Afterwards a welcome party was hosted by Shibata to give all participants the opportunity to network.

Shibata Industrial is very satisfied with this year’s visit from JICA participants, thanks everybody for their interest in the company and is looking forward to continue this fruitful cooperation.


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