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Shibata Fender Team


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ShibataFenderTeam partnered with Skanska in Sweden to protect the Hisingsbron Bridge with customized fender solution

The Hisingsbron Bridge is a turnkey project awarded to Skanska Sverige in 2016. Opened only five years later, in May 2021, the new construction contributes to the development of Gothenburg’s city center: above, it bears the weight of daily traffic and pedestrians; below, it experiences the traffic of numerous vessels passing by. To provide a safe passage under the bridge, Skanska built a guide wall and dolphins, and partnered with ShibataFenderTeam to protect this massive infrastructure project with our high-quality fender systems.   

Our team at SFT’s German office worked closely together with the contractor to provide a unique solution that fits the design of the steel sub-construction of the guide wall: 104 pcs of SPC 550 Cone Fenders and UHMW-PE Sliding Plates have been delivered. The engineering of such a big project is always a motivating challenge: the bolt layout for UHMW-PE Sliding Plates had to be carefully calculated. In this case, SFT provided a good fit and easy installation, showing its strength as a complete solution provider, capable of engineering, production and quality control of each piece.

In addition, we supplied 36 SPC Cone Fender Systems for the dolphins which are installed just before passing under the bridge. The fender systems were designed for multiple vessel types, thus, multiple load cases had to be considered for the design of the steel panel to ensure safe contact of the vessels just before entering the guide wall and passing below the bridge.  

The lack of on-site storage space was the final obstacle SFT had to work around. Thanks to the same close communication and partnership with Skanska, we managed to organize a partial delivery schedule according to the progress of the construction.  

Everybody at ShibataFenderTeam is happy to have been part of this important project and we wish the bridge lifelong safe passages. Finally, to our partner Skanska Sverige, we thank you for relying on our commitment to provide first class fender solutions to ensure smooth operations all along the new Hisingsbron Bridge. #4661


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