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Shibata Fender Team


Latest news about ShibataFenderTeam, orders and deliveries

ShibataFenderTeam supplies largest Parallel Motion Fender ever

The largest single Parallel Motion Fender ever made has today left our production facility in Rechlin, Germany (SFTP), for delivery to the RoRo Ferry Terminal in Dunkirk, France. The system has an impressive total weight of 72 t.

Back in July 2015 we were directly approached by the customer aiming for an exclusive partnership for the design and construction of a very exposed fender system with a demanding specification. The engineering work spanned over a period of 2 years including numerous site and factory visits.

The steel fender panel measures impressive 11 m x 3,05 m and weighs over 29 t occupying one full special heavy weight truck. It will be equipped with 4 double SPC 1000 Fender assemblies. A second truck carries the torsion arm to Dunkirk. The overall width here is 3,75m which exceeds the maximum width of a standard truck by more than 1 meter thus requiring special permission and escorting. The third truck transports all necessary accessories.

While transit through Germany and Belgium is restricted to night-times France allows this type of overwide transports during daytime only.

ShibataFenderTeam is proud of all colleagues who were involved in the design and manufacturing of the largest single Parallel Motion Fender ever made.

Safe travels to Dunkirk.


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