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Shibata Fender Team


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ShibataFenderTeam supports PIANC Young Professionals

As one of the world's leading fender specialist, we consider it our responsibility to do our part for the industry by sharing our know-how with engineers and end users alike. In October, we supported PIANC YPs from Argentina and Spain.

YP-Com recently organized a networking event in Seville, Spain. More than 40 participants from the main Spanish contractors, engineers, port authorities and universities gathered at a Tapas Bar. Our Partner and Sales Engineer Mr. Eduardo Rodero, based at our office in Spain, joined the YPs for a nice evening with interesting conversations which were a great start for a close future cooperation between the SFT Group and YP-Com. Thanks to Andrew Thomas (YP-Com Chairman) and Rodrigo Molto (Secretary) for the perfect organization of this event and for giving us the opportunity to experience their spirit and enthusiasm.

At the same time Argentina’s YPs started off for an excursion to Puerto Madryn. The 2 day excursion was supported by the SFT Group and accompanied by our local partner. 50 participants enjoyed a diversified program where site visits alternated with educating presentations. Thanks to Sebastian Iglesias, Ezequiel Walter and the YP Argentina Team for the professional planning of this trip and for having us being involved with these inspiring young people.

In the spirit of our role as PIANC Platinum Partner we are glad about the opportunity to support young successful engineers with great potential.


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