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SPC Cone Fender installations in Amsterdam, Netherlands


Boord Boord overslag

In 2012 SFT delivered SPC Cone Fenders for the new “Boord-Boord overslag” (Layby berth) at Amsterdam. Seagoing tankers are offloaded here into smaller vessels or river barges.

This berth consists of 8 breasting dolphins, each equipped with a single SPC 1000 Cone Fender system for seagoing tankers up to 100,000 DWT. The inside of the dolphins is capable of handling barges up to 20,000 DWT.

(see picture above)

Vopak Liquid Bulk Terminal

In 2010 SPC Cone Fender systems were supplied and installed for the new Vopak Liquid Bulk Terminal at Amsterdam. The new terminal was inaugurated in October 26th 2011 and by July 29th 2014, MS ”Hans Scholl” was vessel nr. 1000 calling at the terminal.

The terminal has two jetties for the handling of seagoing vessels with a capacity of 120,000 DWT and eight berths for the handling inland barges with a maximum capacity of 20,000 DWT.


You can see more pictures about SFT Fenders at Vopak Liquid Bulk Terminal at our reference section in our website.


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