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Technical Seminar in Singapore “Design, Manufacturing and Testing of Fender Systems”
Last month ShibataFenderTeam organized a Technical Seminar in Singapore with the objective to share their design and manufacturing experiences with design engineers and end users.
The seminar was organized in collaboration with the Institution of Engineers Singapore (IES), NTU Civil and Environmental Engineering Alumna Association (NTUCEEAA) and our partner in Singapore, SSR Engineering. With this collaboration, we aimed to reach out to engineers who are interested in and/or are new to fender system design.
The turnout was very encouraging, all seats were taken in less than 2 days. The almost 100 participants reflected a very diverse group with attendees from Ports, Oil Terminals and Consulting Firms.
The seminar commenced with an opening address from the Immediate Past President of IES Er. Chong Kee Sen. He expressed very well the need for a seminar of this kind: “Marine Fendering System design is a science and an art because unlike conventional believes, providing bigger or more fenders does not necessarily result in safer, better and more cost effective design”.
President of Shibata, Mr. Atsuki Shibata, extended his warm welcome to all participants. He thanked Er. Chong, IES, NTUCEEA and SSR for the support and assistance rendered during the preparation of this seminar. Furthermore, he outlined the responsibility of Shibata, being one of the leading fender specialists, to pass their knowledge and experience on to young engineers of the industry, especially as technologies are changing.
To start the seminar, Mr. Agari, Director of ShibataFenderTeam in Malaysia, gave a brief presentation of the SFT Group.
Our engineering specialist Mr. Chris Millwood gave two presentations on ‘Berthing Energy Calculation’ and ‘Design of Panel Fender Systems’. Both were very well received by the participants, which resulted in an interesting Q & A session.
Besides a presentation on ‘Manufacturing and Testing of Fenders’ Mr. Suzuki, Director of Shibata Asia in Malaysia gave the participants the possibility to experience and touch rubber compound materials. These props were informative and of great interest to the participants.
The presentation on ‘Fender Type and Applications’ by Mr. James Leo, General Manager Sales at ShibataFenderTeam in Malaysia, provided an insight to the various types of fenders supplied and manufactured by ShibataFenderTeam, including the possible applications and installations worldwide.
The sumptuous receptions from coffee break to lunch and cocktail gave the participants a nice opportunity to mingle with colleagues and like-minded people.
Everyone had a good time during the seminar. We received a very positive feedback at the end and even the weeks after. The participants felt that the seminar was well organized, informative and very useful. Many engineers highlighted that Chris’s presentations were very comprehensive and easy to understand, especially for the younger engineers who are new to fender design.
Short anecdote: One of the participants thanked us for organizing this seminar as it allowed him to “reconnect” with fender system design, and most important - he met his ex-university classmate of 30 years ago.
The seminar in Singapore proved again how important it is, to train engineers and end users in Designing, Manufacturing and Testing of Fender Systems. We will continue to organize these seminars worldwide.