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White Paper Series - #4.


The fourth and final part of the SFT White Paper Series follows up on the previous parts #1 to #3, which established in-depth illustrations of compounding, mixing, manufacturing, and curing. SFT White Paper #4 completes the Series with a thorough examination of testing methods for fender systems, best-practice approaches to verifying the required performance properties and the durability of a commercial fender. The paper highlights the significance of testing by transparently explaining how to interpret the test results of the different tests. It can be used as a practical, hands-on guide for clients to the ideal approach to the complex fender testing agenda based on the point of view of an experienced manufacturer.


Download your version below, it is available in: 

English: White Paper - Testing

Spanish: Boletínes Técnico - Testeo

French: Dossier Technique - Tests

1-Click Download of entire series: English | Spanish | French | Swedish 


The four-part SFT White Paper Series:

  • aims to provide an unbiased view of what exactly makes a good fender
  • is unbiased
  • presents full facts 
  • is a contribution to state-of-the art fender manufacturing standards 

Paper #1 focuses on the raw materials used in rubber production, the physical properties of a fender and their correlation with the compound’s composition. Download White Paper 1 - Compounding (available in English, French, Spanish, Swedish and Polish). 

Paper #2 examines the complex interaction between materials and their processing, presenting the various available mixing devices. Download White Paper 2 - Mixing (available in English, French, Spanish, Swedish).

Paper #3 describes the various methods for manufacturing and curing with a focus on the quality-determining parameters pressure, temperature, and time. Download White Paper 3 - Manufacturing (available in English, French, Spanish).


Executive Summary 'Testing - a best-practise approach'

The overview of the four test methods – fundamental, durability, type approval and verification testing – presents valuable information on current industry practice and basic knowledge of fender testing in general. The main focus of the paper lies on verification testing since it is the most relevant test area to assure the client that the final fender has been manufactured precisely as ordered. The five different parts of verification testing (material testing, traceability, performance testing, verification of di­mensions and visual checking) are explained in detail, including the most important factors for performance testing. A reflection of industry requirements, practical information on the most frequent and essential issues regarding correc­tion factors, how to deal with deviations and meeting the required test results have been included in a Q&A section.

Moreover, “Testing. A Best-Practice Approach” covers the essentials for Pneumatic Fenders, Foam Fenders and Steel Panels for a 360-degree coverage of the subject, since the same principle that applies to every aspect of fender manufacturing is also valid for testing: Different fender pro­jects as well as different fender types require attention in dis­tinctive criteria.

The SFT White Paper #4 establishes a detailed testing protocol, and the entire White Paper Series delivers hands-on assistance and advice on all project-related requirements in fender manufacturing.


White Paper Series - #4.
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